Brooklyn October 31, 1993 Halloween 1993. Hallowe'en party, 1993. Dean Street and Bond, Brooklyn. June 1, 1995 I co-wrote a book. I also became technically homeless while I was writing it. August 27, 1996 We attempted to silkscreen the Hi-Balls record sleeve. We tried making the Hi-Balls 7" with a rudimentary silkscreen apparatus. (A Speedball kit.) It didn't work out. November 11, 1996 Betty came to live with me. Let me tell you how I got this cat. July 9, 1998 I started dating Sara. I know this from a note in my 1999 datebook. October 31, 1998 sara took a bunch of Polaroids at a Hallowe'en party. April 24, 1999 The Innuendos first date recording with Mitro. We recorded down in the basement. May 1, 1999 The Innuendos second date recording with Mitro. We recorded down in the basement March 3, 2003 All-Night Movers played at Hank's Saloon in Brooklyn. Very fun show, and we recorded it. December 31, 2005 I went to Union Pool for New Year's and met Hannibal. January 14, 2006 Jimmy and The Wolfpack played Magnetic Field in Brooklyn. March 21, 2006 Jimmy and The Wolfpack played Black Betty on Al's birthday. We had to go on late so some weak indie rock band could play. That was a bad idea on the club's part. August 3, 2006 I had a show of my paintings at a gallery called Maiden, Brooklyn. This whole event was amazing. I felt so crazed after Katrina but this show made me happy to be in New York. August 20, 2006 I saw Archie Bell at McCarren Pool. Great show. He talked to Kool-Aid. September 16, 2006 The Stacks played at the Brooklyn Lyceum for a Katrina benefit. Not sure if we benefited from it, but it was a good time. October 30, 2006 Jimmy and the Wolfpack played a Hallowe'en party on Grand Street. Jimmy And the Wolfpack played. November 18, 2006 Jimmy and The Wolfpack played another show at 276 Grand Street (I think). I remember so little about this. We ended up getting Korean food, I think. December 16, 2006 Jimmy and The Wolfpack played a house party at 276 Grand Street. December 16, 2006 Jimmy and The Wolfpack played at Lucky Cat on Grand Street. I'm sure the show was fine, but listen to this other story I have about this place. February 5, 2007 Watched the Super Bowl halftime starring Prince. I watched at the house of some acquaintainces I didn't know well. August 5, 2007 I played drums with The Headless Hookers at Passout Records. It was hot. I was underdressed. September 18, 2007 I got a cat though I didn't mean to. The next morning, she was still there. And the next. September 18, 2007 Sally came to live with me. I knew she would be mine, there was never any doubt. September 24, 2007 Sally got on my shoulder. I'm liking this young cat. September 24, 2007 Sally got a toy. It was fun to watch her concentrate. November 28, 2007 Sally stretched on our plywood floor. This was in Bushwick on our gray-painted floors. January 12, 2008 Jimmy and The Wolfpack played Don Pedro's. January 19, 2008 I painted a yellow man in watercolor. I need to do more watercolor. May 7, 2008 Sally got a new collar. Boy did she look sharp. May 17, 2008 Jimmy and The Wolfpack played Don Pedro's again. May 17, 2008 I had a little barbecue in my Bushwick backyard. I had some people over and I made potato salad. June 10, 2008 Sally was a good cat. Cats are basically temperature regulation devices. December 10, 2008 I did karaoke in Brooklyn. March 6, 2009 Saw the Lost Crusaders somewhere in Brooklyn. April 5, 2009 I saw a car fire on Bedford Avenue. April 25, 2009 Jimmy and The Wolfpack played Freddy's Back Room with Mike Cobb and The Crevulators. May 29, 2009 Sally sat among the roses. Rose poser. May 29, 2009 Sally got her school picture taken. Dignity. May 30, 2009 Sally spent the day with me at the office. She had a really good attitude. June 3, 2009 Jimmy and The Wolfpack played Freddy's Back Room. The venue was a casualty of the construction of the Atlantic Center. June 3, 2009 Jimmy and The Wolfpack played at Matchless, Greenpoint, Brooklyn. We played this bar several times. June 13, 2009 Sally enjoyed our yard in Bushwick. This is where I first found her and fed her a piece of a hamburger. June 29, 2009 I had a great backyard in Bushwick. It got hit by a tornado. It hosted many parties and cookouts. October 17, 2009 Jimmy and The Wolfpack played Hank's Saloon. October 19, 2009 Headless Hookers played at Zablozki's. It was a bar in Williamsburg Brooklyn. October 30, 2009 I saw Future Of The Left at Music Hall of Williamsburg. Headliners at a big venue. February 4, 2010 I played drums for one show with Olaf and The Siberians. I'm not sure about the date on this. February 10, 2010 I went for a walk in Bushwick. February 26, 2010 We had a bit of a blizzard. July 17, 2010 Sally showed off on Orchid Street. She made herself at home, for sure. May 11, 2011 Sally proved to be a hard worker. June 15, 2011 I went bowling at The Gutter. Featuring the obligatory bowling posterior shot. July 11, 2011 Sally looked sassy on my desk. We had nice light in the Irving Avenue place. July 27, 2011 I did a solo morning bike ride to Coney Island. My first experience wtih Texas' blue laws. August 29, 2011 Sally prepared for a nap on my printer. She was very photogenic that day, and the light was nice. September 16, 2011 Sally stretched in the backyard. Just a little bit before we moved to New Orleans. October 31, 2011 I moved out of 181 Irving Avenue. I paid a guy to help me move and he stole my house key. December 31, 2011 Sally wasn't too jazzed about New Year's Eve. April 23, 2013 Jimmy and The Wolfpack played Club Europa with The Banned and Les Sans Culottes. January 1, 2022 I dreamed I went for a walk in my tube socks. I was walking on a slushy Brooklyn Street. December 11, 2024 Notes for December 11, 2024. I sent an email to Norfolk Southern Railroad today to ask them about this project they are planning in my neighborhood. ← Timeline index