David Rhoden

I saw Cousin Vickie at the Art Brat party.

. Day .

I participated in a great art happening where a bunch of artists showed art and we all traded or tried to trade work.

Also memorable: a performer named Cousin Vickie. Vickie wasn't conventionally attractive, but she had an expressive face. She had a speech issue that sounded like her teeth were falling out and her mouth was just full of spit. She did a number called "Masturbator" that contained lines like"

"every night we have to wait for the shower
she's been in there for over an hour
she was a masturbator, a masturbator"

It was memorable.

!Cousin Vickie at the Art Brat party, April e, 2004](/static/img/timeline/vickie-art-brat-apr-3-2004.jpg)

