All-Night Movers played at El Matador with Mondo Topless.
. Day .
I don't remember the show too much. I do remember Mondo Topless was staying at my place and I rode in their van with them and we went to Chicken Box, which they were amazed at. Poor Sam, the lead singer, had gone vegetarian and had to eat food out of his electric cooler while the rest of us had a feast.
I was always friendly with these guys, saw them a lot in New York. Somehow Kris and I got in a Facebook argument and aren't friends anymore. I don't remember what happened. I hope I can fix that someday.
rock All-Night Movers New Orleans El Matador Mondo Topless Chicken Box Sam Steinig Kris Alutius
Previous: November 28, 2002: Red Hot.
Next: December 19, 2002: All-Night Movers played Circle Bar. I jumped on a patron who somehow fell asleep.